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While every state is unique, there are so many fun facts that make Alabama a great place to live. Alabama is home to many celebrities and well-known people while also being the location for many beloved movies and television shows. All the random fun facts make having a home in Alabama a great idea.

Celebrities from Alabama

Courtney Cox

Courtney Cox is known for her role as Monica in the sitcom Friends. Cox continues to display her southern roots through social media. She showed her southern roots when creating an Alabama version of a California Roll on her Instagram story. An Alabama Roll consists of mayonnaise, mustard, crushed Fritos, cheese and avocado rolled into a slice of turkey.

Octavia Spencer

Auburn University alumni, Octavia Spencer is known for her breakout role in The Help. She won Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars and Golden Globe Awards. She has continued to land many roles and written a few children’s books. She continues to stay involved with Auburn University. In December 2021, she covered the cost of meals on campus during finals week. She partnered with Student Affairs to give late night options for students cramming for their final exams.

Channing Tatum

Who doesn’t know who Channing Tatum is? This heartthrob is from Cullman, Alabama, just 50 miles north of Birmingham. He is well known for his roles in Dear John, Magic Mike, 21 Jump Street, and much more


Movies Based in Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama is a romantic comedy about a girl who moved to the Big Apple and became a fashion designer after growing up in Alabama. When she finally gets engaged to the most eligible bachelor in New York she must return home to confront her husband she married in high school who will not let her get a divorce. As she returns home she soon realizes you can take the girl out of the South, but you cannot take the South out of the girl.

To Kill a Mockingbird

A classic, To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a fictional town called Maycomb, Alabama. It is based on the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The film addresses controversial topics that are great lessons to teach in school and to your family. Although this film may be older, it is still a classic.

TV Shows Based in Alabama

Hart Of Dixie

Hart of Dixie takes place in a made-up town called Blue Bell, Alabama. The imaginary place is supposed to be located a little bit outside of Mobile. This show is about a young doctor who moves from New York City and has to adapt to the slow lifestyle of a small southern town.

Looking For Alaska

The miniseries on Hulu is based on John Green’s novel Looking for Alaska. This is a coming-of-age novel for young adults. The main character, Miles, moves from Florida to attend boarding school in Alabama.

Fun Facts

First State to Declare Christmas a Legal Holiday

In 1836, Alabama declared Christmas a legal holiday, and by 1870 Christmas was a national holiday in the United States.

Alabama is Home to the World’s Largest Office Chair

The world’s largest office chair is located in Anniston, Alabama. It is made up of 10 tons of steel which is more than three cars combined!

Alabama was the First Place to Celebrate Mardi Gras

When people think of Mardi Gras, most people think of New Orleans, Louisiana. However, not many people realize Mardi Gras was first celebrated in Mobile, Alabama. Mardi Gras became a celebration a year after Mobile was founded and the city of New Orleans was founded 15 years later.

Peanut Capital of the World

Dothan, Alabama is known as the “peanut capital of the world.” About 50% of peanuts in the United States are grown in or outside of Dothan.

Holland Homes

Deciding Alabama is your home is the easy part. There are so many great movies, books, and television shows that will just draw you into southern hospitality. Finding your dream home might be a little more difficult. At Holland Homes, we are here to make finding your dream home much simpler. We have many communities to create your home throughout the state of Alabama. Whether it is Auburn or Birmingham, we have the home for you! Contact us today to start looking!

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